Devotion Method

Method of My Morning Devotional

Updated 11/26/23
  1. Our Daily Bread
  2. The Upper Room
  3. Prayer
    1. The Upper Room Prayer Focus
    2. Church Prayer List
    3. Pastor (&Wife)
    4. District Superintendent (&Wife)
    5. Conference Bishop
    6. Homebound
    7. People with COVID, Flu, RSV, Cough & Cold and any other type of contagion
    8. Unspoken Request
    9. Military Persons (Including Church Members)
    10. Israel, Gaza and Ukraine
    11. Government Leaders (City, Borough, Township, County, Region, State, Nation)
    12. Those with Cancer
    13. Our Churches (Denomonation & Community)
    14. Those Battling Addiction (finding the Way or getting help)
    15. First Responders (Fire, Police, EMS)
    16. Families of those who die by suicide
    17. Those conteplating suicide
    18. Those with mental health struggles
    19. The Homeless
    20. Personal Prayer Petttitions
    21. The Lord's Prayer


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